Thursday, August 1, 2013

Resolutions from this side of 30

New Years are supposed to be a time for resolutions, right?
So, why choose an arbitrary day for that, just because some overzealous guy chose the Gregorian calendar as the de facto calendar for the rest of the world? Since this is my world, centered around me (me? narcissistic? Why do you ask?), I'll choose my birthday to be my new year.

So, What about my resolutions? Why now, you ask?
Setting foot into a new decade of my life, looking back upon the earlier ones, I realize there is so much more I could have probably done. So much potential squandered, so much time wasted on trivial stuff - and not really a lot of accomplishments to feel proud of.

So, after the cold, hard look at the past, and a long critical introspective look into the brambly labyrinths of my mind, I realize I have a long way to go, before I can feel good about myself. Or feel a sense of accomplishment, no matter how small or unimportant. I'm probably being self-deprecating, but that's how I feel.

So, here are some things I want to accomplish in the next decade (I won't say next year - I am terrible with deadlines, and I don't stick to them - another thing to work upon?).


  1. Shape Up. Exercise. Eat Healthier. Work Out. Combat the lethargy and laziness. 
  2. Run a 5k ... Or even a 10k. Get Physical! Ignore the flat foot. Begin Cardio. Jog regularly. Build up stamina. Run. Faster. Longer.
  3. Get a Tattoo. Anywhere. Something you won't regret at age 75. Something beautiful. Meaningful. Experience the pain - the sting of the needles. Some pain is good for the soul.
  4. Get Published. A Book. A column. An article. Hell - even a mention in the rogues' gallery! Anything but an obituary =/
  5. Learn to Play a Musical Instrument.  Any instrument will do. Learn to carry a tune. Learn to appreciate music better. Learn to appreciate the effort.
  6. Learn a New Language - Or Three. Become a polyglot. Learn about new cultures. Visit a foreign land and speak their tongue. Make a friend who speaks a different language. Hate less.
  7. Find Yourself. Introspection. Philosophies. Meditation. Books. Alternate Methods. Life. Anything goes. Don't be afraid to try something new - even if someone else says it's bad. Make mistakes and learn from them.
  8. Do Something Wild and Adventurous. Bungee Jump. Go Parasailing. Skydive. Go Rock climbing. White Water Rafting. Trekking in the wild. Feel that adrenaline pumping and the heart racing. Fight your fears, combat those demons inside, telling you to sit back and relax. Experience the natural highs of life - outside a cubicle.
  9. Meet a Celebrity You Respect. Someone you admire. A person of substance. A person you can admit to adoring, without feeling embarrassed. Someone you can unabashedly worship and be a fanboy about. Spend a minute in their presence. Or an hour. Feel honored.
  10. Be Happy. Probably the most underrated resolution - and the most cliched. Find happiness anywhere you can. Love yourself - every aspect, including the flaws. Love the world around you. Love life. Be Happy.

I'm not sure if this is a practical list. It probably isn't very practical. But it certainly is not THAT unattainable.
Here's to 30!

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