Wednesday, July 31, 2013

D-Day/ B-Day

30 feels just like 29 did. I don't feel any older - or wiser for that matter.

    Since I'd disabled the birthday notification feature thingy on Facebook, I managed to avoid the long lists of people to reply with a stock "Thank You!", to all the "Happy Birthday <insert name here>!" messages on my wall.  I won't say it's rude or disrespectful - I've done it before. I just am lazy and self-conscious, I suppose.

   The not-so-big day began, with a quick chat with a dear friend, who has been a constant support for a while now - even though we've met only once in real life. Isn't it pleasantly surprising how the internet, while a very impersonal medium, often accused of making people antisocial, often brings strangers closer together? I guess it's all a matter of perspective (Then again, what isn't?)

   Turns out, I share my birthday with J K Rowling and Harry Potter (a fact I used to loathe, but don't anymore. Harry Potter was a decent series, now that I've actually watched it. I still am not a Rowling fan though), Fred Quimby and Wesley Snipes. I'm not sure how to relate to that, but there it is. And here I am - A veritable gluttonous leo-pig (for those who actually believe in that stuff).

   Turns out, it was mostly like any other Wednesday - Went to work, attended a workshop, had some fun, got some work done. And then, came back home to my cousins waiting for me. Yay!! Pressies!! A box of dark chocolate granola bars (a perfect tongue-in-cheek present, considering my recent digestive system issues), sweets, a new hard drive (I'd been meaning to buy one myself, since I lost the last one I owned), etc.
   All this followed by a quick trip for a light dinner at  local eatery. Which wasn't all that bad. All in all, it was a rather uneventful, but pleasant birthday. Quite a nice change from the recent ones before, where everyone was miserable.

   I must admit I started off in a good mood, and kept myself from becoming grouchy and mean. I went along with all the plans without arguing or protesting, and made an actual effort to be nice and amiable. Guess THAT paid off. Everyone seemed to be happy. All in all, it was a pretty good day. Something we all could use some more of..

  Now that I'm this side of 30 (and THIS side of 40), I'm beginning to take a hard look at myself, and I see a lot of things about me I need to change. I think it's time for some new practical resolutions - A Pre-40 Bucket List of sorts. Time to put my overthinking cap on.

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